Health Insurance

Best Health Insurance Plans for Thyroid Patients

19 June 2022, 11:49 PM

In a survey conducted by one of the leading diagnostic labs in India, it was found that a whopping 32% of the Indian population suffers from thyroid disorders. This is alarming! 

As the hormone thyroid is responsible for the smooth functioning of many organs including the brain and the kidneys, thyroid patients see a lot of changes in their body. This is why it is important for everyone to get a proper diagnosis done to ensure their thyroid levels are alright. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are dangerous, so seeking medical help is vital. 

The medical consultations, blood tests, and also the medication needed can cost you a lot of money. This is why you need to invest in a good health insurance plan as most of the medical insurance policies in India cover these expenses.

Thyroid Problems and their Diagnosis

As stated, a disbalanced level of thyroid in the blood can cause severe health problems. Some of them include:

  1. Weight Issues 
    Thyroid imbalance leads to severe weight fluctuations. While some people tend to lose weight rapidly, most people put on a lot of weight. This leads to further problems such as obesity, knee pain, etc. This is a very problematic result of thyroid imbalance in the human body.
  2. Mental Issues 
    Most people who experience fluctuating thyroid levels also experience mental health issues. Anxiety and depression are very common problems that plague the mind when the thyroid levels are improper in a person’s body. This further impacts the individual’s sleep patterns, eating habits, etc causing a lot of problems in the long run.
  3. Menstrual Issues 
    Since thyroid more commonly affects women, a large number of thyroid patients experience menstrual problems. The cycles get altered and irregular and there is a lot of pain and fatigue as well, causing severe discomfort and inconvenience. It also affects women who try to conceive and this is one of the most unfortunate effects of thyroid problems. 
  4. Hair and Skin Issues 
    People with fluctuating thyroid levels also experience poor skin and hair. Their skin becomes dry and itchy and they experience severe hair fall. If you are experiencing this and are not sure why it is happening, try getting your thyroid checked.
  5. Body Pain 
    And finally, if the thyroid levels are not proper in your body, your joints and muscles will begin to suffer and get fatigued. As a result, you will experience moderate to severe body ache from time to time and that is another very uncomfortable attribute of thyroid disorders.

As you can see, thyroid levels play a huge role in keeping you well or unwell on an overall basis. This is why you should focus on having proper thyroid levels at all times.

How does Insurance Help?

As mentioned above, the costs related to the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid are expensive. Usually the basic medicine for thyroid treatment is quite affordable, provided there is no further complication. However, one ailment leads to another and this is where health insurance comes handy.
When you have a health insurance plan, you are less likely to incur too many financial setbacks for your thyroid treatment because most health plans these days cover the costs associated with this disorder. In most health insurance plans, previously existing thyroid ailment at the time of availing a health insurance plan is considered as a “Pre-existing” disease and might have a waiting period associated with the same, before it is covered.
Here are some ways in which that happens:

  1. OPD Expenses 
    Since most of the medical insurance plans have provisions for OPD costs, you can get your physician’s fees reimbursed. This helps you to visit the best doctors in town who can help with the diagnosis and help you to start the treatment at the earliest.
  2. Diagnostic Test Costs 
    Then, you can also get coverage for diagnostic exams including the blood tests needed to determine that your thyroid levels are not perfect. Again, such diagnostic tests are not cheap and when you have the backup of a health insurance plan, it becomes a lot easier for you to manage the expenses while never having to compromise on your health.
  3. Pharmacy Costs 
    Then, the medicines you have to take for your thyroid disorder can cost you a lot of money. Thankfully, the health plans offer pharmacy cost covers, making it easier for you to afford the best medicines that help you to manage the thyroid hormone levels in your blood.
  4. Daycare Treatment
    Hypothyroidism as well as hyperthyroidism might be associated with some related medical conditions like slower heart rate, weight issues, depression, etc. which might need medical attention. This is where daycare treatment might come handy. Daycare treatment is when 24-hour hospitalisation is not needed for the treatment.

These are some of the chief reasons why you should invest in a good health insurance plan to ensure all costs related to the thyroid are covered. While a majority of the plans in India do offer this coverage, be sure to read the policy wordings and check with the insurance provider before you buy a health plan and then you will definitely have a thyroid coverage in your health insurance policy.

Popular Health Plans that Offer Thyroid Cover

Here are some of the most popular health insurance plans under which you can get all costs related to thyroid disorders covered:

Family Health Optima Insurance Plan

This plan covers all thyroid related ailments after 2 years along with regular benefits of any comprehensive indemnity family health insurance plan.

HDFC ERGO MY: Health Suraksha Plan

This plan covers hypothyroidism with a loading. There are multiple other wellness benefits available in this plan along with the regular benefits of in-patient hospitalisation, pre-post hospitalisation benefits, daycare treatment, etc.

If you are a thyroid patient, consider getting any one of these plans and stay covered in a wholesome manner.

In conclusion 

It is your duty to stay fit and keep your health conditions under control. Checking your thyroid levels from time to time helps you in achieving this. So go ahead and take all the measures you need and with the help of a good health insurance plan, keep your finances secured as well. 

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