Health Insurance

Remedies To Safely Remove Earwax At Home

By Vikas Chandra Das
22 November 2022, 1:28 PM

Are you having hearing issues? Or perhaps you went a touch too deep this time with the cotton swab? Earwax buildup can plug the ear canal, which is, at best, uncomfortable and, at worst, a sign of hearing loss. However, cerumen, sometimes referred to as earwax, is not only natural but also necessary. What’s also necessary is to have a health insurance plan that covers the said ailment.

People think that earwax is nasty and has to be cleaned. However, earwax has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal characteristics. Additionally, it shields the ears from foreign Additionally, it protects the eardrums from external substances like dust, hair, and microscopic insects. A history of ear trauma or surgery, recurrent ear infections, the use of hearing aids, or using deep ear plugs may have an effect on your ear wax production.

But, Why Do We Have Earwax in Our Ears?

Our ear canals produce earwax. Usually, it's natural and healthy to have it there. Earwax is a beneficial and natural component of your body's protection. It traps debris and inhibits the development of bacteria, cleaning, lubricating and protecting your ear canal.

Cerumen, often known as earwax, performs an essential job for the body. It aids in clearing the ear canal of dirt, hair, dead skin cells, and other particles. Earwax reduces itchy, unpleasant, and infection-related symptoms in the ear canal. Additionally, it aids in lessening ear canal irritation brought on by water entering the same.

The body can, however, overproduce earwax, causing it to accumulate and clog the ear canal. For example, if someone cleans their ears with a cotton swab, pushing the earwax deeper into the ear canal, this could result in a blockage. The use of hearing aids may also potentially cause this to occur.

You might believe that you can manage your earwax on your own. However, there is no way to tell if you have an excessive amount of earwax unless having someone look in your ears—typically your doctor. Even though you may have symptoms like ear pain or poor hearing, wax accumulation is not always evident. It's conceivable that you have another medical issue affecting your ears that needs to be addressed. 

Avoid using any instrument inserted into your ear canal to remove earwax on your own, mainly if you have ear surgery, have a perforation in your eardrum, are experiencing ear pain, or have discharge or swelling. The safest way to remove wax is by a doctor. A buildup of earwax can quickly harm your fragile eardrum and ear canal. However, you can use several common household things to remove excess wax from your outer ear canals and over-the-counter earwax drainage solutions.

Using Oil to Break Up Earwax Obstructions

Earwax is a thick, oil-like material. Thus, some oils may cause earwax to soften. 

The Following Oils can be Used 

  • Coconut oil
  • Glycerin
  • Almond oil

To Remove Earwax with Oil

  • You can warm the oil and pour it into a dropper bottle. Never microwave oil to heat it. Check the temperature first before dropping it into your ear.
  • Add a few drops in your ear while tilting your head to one side.
  • For five minutes, maintain your head tilted to the side.
  • Repeat a single or two times daily.

Baking Soda

  • Mix around 50 ml warm water with 1/2 teaspoon baking soda to dissolve.
  • Add the solution to a dropper bottle.
  • One drop at a time, carefully dribble 5 to 10 drops of the liquid into each ear while tilting your head to the side.
  • After an hour, rinse the solution out of the ear with water.
  • Repeat this once a day until the earwax feels cleaned up. It might occur within a few days. Do not continue doing this for more than two weeks.

Use of Hydrogen Peroxide to Remove Ear Wax

  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%) can clear earwax at home.
  • Drop five to ten drops of hydrogen peroxide into each ear while tilting your head sideways.
  • For five minutes, rest your head tilted to allow the hydrogen peroxide to permeate the wax.
  • Do this once daily for three to fourteen days.

Ear Cleansing Drops Sold Over the Counter

  • Over-the-counter ear cleaners are effective if you only have a tiny bit of wax. Try to find drops with hydrogen peroxide or another type of peroxide. The peroxide effectively breaks up the earwax.
  • The ear you are cleaning should face up as you lie sideways. Add the drops as instructed.
  • Let it sit. Give the ear cleansing solution about five minutes to sit there. This enables the liquid to penetrate and soften the wax.
  • Get a tissue since the liquid, and the earwax that came loose should both come out when you sit up. 

The Bulb Syringe

If ear cleansing drops are ineffective, a bulb syringe may be required to flush the ears. Place the syringe close to your ear entrance, fill it with warm water, and gently squeeze the bulb. Your ear will be filled with warm water and dislodge the wax. You can let the water and wax drip by turning your head over the sink.

There are a few rules, though:

  • Be cautious when flushing your ear to prevent damaging the eardrum.
  • Ensure the correct water temperature; it shouldn't be either too hot or too chilly. If either happens, you can feel lightheaded due to the temperature difference.
  • If your eardrum has been perforated or has ever undergone eardrum surgery, don't utilise the flushing approach. Your eardrum healing could be harmed by flushing.


The important action you should take if you suspect you have an earwax issue is to consult a doctor. They can determine if it's a problem that needs to be treated, a sign of something else that needs attention, or something your body can handle on its own.

Overzealous ear wax removal can occasionally cause hearing issues and be scratchy, uncomfortable, or more susceptible to infection. Discuss home remedy options with your doctor when going over your problems to determine whether they are the best line of action for you.

1. What breaks down ear wax quickly?

Over-the-counter ear cleaners are effective if you only have a tiny bit of wax. 

2. How can I tell if my earwax has been impacted?

Signs of earwax blockage

  • Earache
  • A sensation of pressure in the impacted ear
  • Noises or ringing in the ears 
  • Hearing problems in the afflicted ear
  • Cough
  • Dizziness
3. What happens if your ears aren't cleaned for a long time?

Excessive earwax can accumulate and harden, blocking the ears and preventing healthy hearing.

4. Is having wet or dry earwax beneficial?

Healthy dry earwax helps prevent ear infections and does fall out of the ear more easily than moist earwax. Keeping your ears clean is crucial since dried earwax flakes can accumulate and obstruct your ear canal over time.

5. What causes the ear wax to accumulate?

Earwax accumulation occurs when your ear produces earwax more quickly than your body can eliminate it. 

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