Health Insurance

Top 5 Natural Remedies for Upset Stomach

By Vikas Chandra Das
18 November 2022, 3:09 PM

An upset stomach is a non-medical term for various gastrointestinal symptoms like gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, vomiting, constipation or diarrhoea. The condition is usually not a concern and these symptoms are treatable. If you have occasional stomach issues, you can get rid of them using natural remedies. However, if not properly treated can sometimes lead to serious problems. Prolonged vomiting can lead to dehydration and loss of electrolytes. This would require you to see the doctor. In such a situation it is better to be prepared for any medical emergency. With a health insurance policy, you can get covered for the treatment of some serious stomach problems. 

Natural Remedies to treat Upset Stomach at Home

In case of occasional discomfort, you can use some natural home remedies to treat the issue. Some ultimate natural remedies are as follows.


This is one of the most common food items used in Indian households. It is also a traditional herb used by many people to treat various health issues for a very long time. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties which is why it is considered a herbal medicine to treat stomach issues. Taking small amounts of ginger with salt can help treat constipation. You can also take ginger with lemon tea and honey to treat indigestion.


The body needs water to efficiently absorb nutrients from the food you eat. If you are not hydrated properly, digestion will be difficult, leading to stomach cramping and nausea. It is very important to stay hydrated as it flushes out all the toxins accumulated in the body which causes an upset stomach. It is advisable to consume at least 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. A case of serious stomach illness like continuous vomiting can lead to loss of electrolytes. In such a case you can add electrolytes powder containing sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium and phosphate to water. You can also consume coconut water, a natural alternative to electrolytes as it is high in potassium, sodium, magnesium and vitamin C. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an acidic pantry staple which is extremely helpful in treating stomach issues like acidity and upset stomach. It acts as a neutraliser and promotes alkalinity. This can reduce gas, and bloating and also help in treating nausea and heartburn. The acid present in ACV keeps the gut bacteria healthy and prevents the excessive release of stomach acids by slowing down starch digestion. You can take one spoonful of ACV diluted with water every day as a preventive measure against acidity. 


The BRAT diet consists of elements and their names make the abbreviation. The diet, which includes bananas, rice, applesauce and toast, helps calm an upset stomach and is also good for diarrhoea and nausea. BRAT contains high fibre and does not contain any salt or spice, making it perfect for stomach issues. This diet is also a good source of potassium and magnesium, compensating for the lost electrolytes in case of loose motions. 

Heating Pads

An upset stomach can cause excruciating pain, cramps and spasms. Applying heat to your stomach can help in providing relief in case of pain and cramps. This can increase circulation and also helps in relaxing the muscles to reduce tightness. You can use electric heating pads or hot water bottles for comfort until your symptoms pass. The warmth on your stomach will distract you from spasms and cramps in your stomach.

Tips to Avoid Indigestion for a Sensitive Stomach

  • Eat slowly and ensure you are chewing your food properly.
  • Eating less fatty and processed food as they are difficult to digest.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.
  • Make sure to include fibrous food in your diet. 
  • Identify your potential allergens which can cause indigestion. Some common allergens include milk, peanuts, soy, tree nuts, fish, wheat etc. 
  • Do not indulge in emotional eating and always be mindful of your diet. 

When to See a Doctor in Case of an Upset 


In case the symptoms persist even after 48 hours of using natural remedies, it could be something serious and you must visit a doctor in such a case. If you notice a consistent pattern after eating a particular food, you might have some serious food allergies. Alarming signs that suggest a more serious problem include:

  • Severe abdominal pain makes it difficult for you to do normal activities.
  • Evidence of blood in vomiting or stool. 
  • Loss of appetite and sudden and unexplained loss of weight. 
  • Difficulty in passing urine, stool or gas. 
  • Severe diarrhoea that lasts for more than 2 days. 


For people who experience frequent stomach issues, it could be more than just stomach sensitivity. The best thing is to visit your doctor or health care provider so that they can rule out certain conditions like peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome. Home remedies can help ease stomach pain, however, it is necessary to understand the severity of the condition and be prepared for any medical conditions. It is crucial to have financial balance and support which is possible with the help of a health insurance policy. You can buy a health insurance policy that fits best for you and your family. 

1. How do I know if my stomach pain is serious?

According to the National Health Service, people should seek immediate medical treatment if their stomach pain is very severe. People should contact a medical provider if they see symptoms like vomiting blood, difficulty in passing urine and stool, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, etc. 

2. What are some common causes of an upset stomach?

Some common reasons for causing an upset stomach include overeating or eating food too quickly. If you eat too much fatty, greasy or spicy food or too much-processed food like chocolates or carbonated beverages.

3. How long does an upset stomach last?

The symptoms of an upset stomach, which includes diarrhoea, constipation, vomiting or nausea, can appear after 1-3 days of being affected by the viral infection and the symptoms can range from mild to severe. Usually, the symptoms last for a day or two. In case the symptoms persist for more than 10 days then you must visit your health care provider.

4. Is milk good for an upset stomach?

No, it is not advisable to take milk or milk products while your stomach is upset. Milk is high in fat and it is difficult to digest. You can have low-fat plain yoghurt sometimes though. 

5. If the pain in my stomach doesn't go away, what should I do?

If your stomach pain persists and won’t go away then it is advisable to consult a doctor so that you are sure there is nothing serious. 

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