Health insurance is a very crucial thing that everyone needs to invest in. From offering wholesome medical covers to safeguarding the policyholder’s personal finances, a health policy can go a long way in bringing overall wellness to a person. These days, there are a variety of health insurance plans available that help cover the regular ailments as well as specific ailments. Hypertension is one such ailment that requires the coverage of health insurance. There are many ways in which you can protect yourself with health insurance against hypertension. Take a look at this article to know more.
What is Hypertension and What Health Risks It Brings?
The human body has a pressure at which the blood is pumped from the heart. There is a normalised pressure level. If this pressure becomes too much, excessive blood is pumped which in turn can be tremendously harmful to the body, the bodily functions and the health of the organs as well. When the blood pressure level goes up, the person faces many problems such as heart ailments, risk of stroke and organ failure. This is why you need to be very careful about hypertension and ensure the levels are in check. Sadly, most people ignore this and are not even aware they have this condition. Many people hold back from getting checked because they feel the treatment can be expensive. You must take care and get the best possible treatment as early intervention can help you immensely.
How can Health Insurance Help?
The health costs in India are becoming very high with every passing day. As a result, it becomes difficult to afford good health care if a person gets diagnosed with hypertension. This is why you need the financial backing of a health insurance plan. Many health insurance plans offer coverage against hypertension health insurance claims. Here are a couple of options for you:
- In Diagnosis
There are many clinical tests that may be required to be carried out to ascertain that a person actually has hypertension. However, whether it is a blood test or a heart screening test, the clinical examinations can cost a lot of money. This may not be affordable for everyone. However, if the patient has a health insurance plan, getting a proper diagnosis becomes a lot easier.
- In Seeking Treatment
After the diagnosis is done and the disorder is confirmed, the patient needs to visit various physicians to get a proper treatment pattern. Unless the doctors are good and well experienced, the patient won't receive the care he needs. In the absence of a health insurance plan, the patient may not be able to go to the best hospitals and doctors. But when the health insurance plan is there, the consultation expenses can be reimbursed since OPD covers are commonly available in health insurance.
- In Protecting from Bigger Problems
Sadly, hypertension often brings forth many other complications that can include serious health issues such as heart attack and stroke. If you do happen to get these conditions due to your hypertension, a health insurance plan can help you financially when you get admitted to a hospital. With the health plan in place, you can get admitted to a top hospital and get the best possible treatment that would ensure you recover well and return home.
These are the handy ways in which a health insurance plan can protect against hypertension and the various other medical problems related to the ailment.
How to Use Health Insurance Against Hypertension?
- By Playing Out the Waiting Period - As mentioned above, many of the good and comprehensive health insurance plans from the leading health insurance companies in India offer a cover for hypertension, albeit after a waiting period. This waiting period ranges between 2 years and 4 years. You cannot make a claim for any disorders related to hypertension within the policy period and need to wait it out before making a claim. This is a reason why you need to buy health insurance early on in life when you are healthy and fit so that even if you develop conditions such as hypertension, later on, you will have the health insurance protection you need at the time.
- By Opting for a Standalone Policy - There are some standalone health plans that offer covers for hypertension. These plans have a negligible waiting period and are easier to get for a patient of hypertension or someone who is prone to the ailment. Some of the best hypertension health covers available currently are:
- Care Freedom Health Hypertension Plan: This is a regular indemnity health insurance plan with in-patient hospitalisation benefit, pre and post hospitalisation and other additional benefits for pre-existing conditions like hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol.
- Aditya Birla Activ Health Platinum Enhanced: This is also an indemnity health insurance plan with comprehensive benefits like hospitalisation benefits, day care and ambulance facilities, cashless claim, etc. along with additional benefits like unlimited reload of sum insured, wellness benefits, etc. In fact this plan provides coverage from day 1 for the cost of medicines, diagnostic tests and doctor consultation for pre-existing ailments like hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and asthma which makes this plan the best suited for a person with an existing hypertension condition.
- HDFC Ergo Health Energy Plan: This is an indemnity health insurance plan specifically for a person with hypertension and diabetes such that this plan helps to track and monitor complete medical checks and administer the same throughout the entire policy year. Whatever you choose, make sure you are adequately protected.
Also Read : Best Family Floater Health Insurance Plans in India
To Wrap It Up
It is important for you to keep your lifestyle in check and ensure conditions such as hypertension don't wreck your health too much. If you have a family history of hypertension, then you should be doubly careful. Invest in a good health insurance plan and stay protected at all times.