Roshan has filed his income tax returns for the financial year 2019-2020 and he decides to check his TDS statement online to see if there has been any omission on his end while filing his returns. Similarly, tax payers would want to view that TDS statement online for multiple reasons such as - to verify if the deduction has been made properly, to match the figures of TDS deduction with the contents of different form such as Form 26AS, and to seek a refund claim in case there has been an excess deduction. This is especially true for those involved in businesses as the amount deducted and the amount that is actually due might be different and they need to be refunded the excess.
Besides that, the tax officials can use this to detect those who are not filing the return. It is a rich source of information to check tax evasion. Also, the deductor company will use this to check if TDS is properly deducted from their end or not.
How to View Your Filed TDS Statement Online
Step 1: Login to e-Filing website and then go to TDS and then ‘View Filed TDS’ button.

Step 2: A form is being displayed on the screen, wherein you need to select the details from the drop down boxes. You will see fields like- Financial Year, Form Name and Quarter respectively. Then click on “View Details”.

Step 3: The status of the TDS uploaded is displayed in the following manner -

If it is uploaded properly, then the status of the statement would be “Uploaded”. The said file will thereafter be processed and validated. Once complete, the submission will either be “Accepted” or “Rejected”. This change in status would be reflected on the webpage within 24 hours from the time of upload.
Step 4: In case the submission is ‘Rejected’, the rejection reason will be displayed in the following manner -

If the status is “Rejected”, click on the Token Number to view the error details.
Also, the webpage will display the reason for rejection clearly. It will appear as follows -

Step 5: In case the submission is ‘Accepted’, then you need to click on the Token Number to view the Statement Details. You can also download the Provisional Receipt.

Certain things that one must keep in mind while checking his or her TDS statement online is to log into the website at early hours in the morning or late in the night in order to avoid the site crashing or inordinate delay in accessing the information due to high website traffic. It is best viewed when the internet connection is fast and stable.