The top causes of death globally and in India in the order of the total number of lives lost can be segmented into 3 broad categories: Cardiovascular illnesses like strokes and heart attacks, respiratory infections such as chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and lower respiratory infections, and neonatal conditions, neonatal sepsis and infections along with preterm birth-related complications.
The causes of death from these problems can be grouped into 3 categories: Transmissible diseases, non-communicable diseases, and injuries. Consider the following statistics:
- While cardiac conditions remain at the top of the list of deadliest conditions, diabetes and dementia make it to the top 10.
- According to WHO’s 2019 Global Health Research, non-communicable conditions account for 7 of the world's top 10 diseases.
- Currently, COVID-19 (widely transmissible disease) has tragically claimed millions of lives in India and worldwide and shows no signs of declining yet.
Those with pre-existing medical problems like diabetes, heart disease, and respiratory conditions continue to face complications and fatal consequences due to SARS CoV-2. A sign of relief is that currently, health insurance plans cover most of these conditions.
1. Cardiovascular Illnesses:
Cardiovascular diseases are a range of problems that affect your heart. They are one of the leading causes of death in India today. Check out the symptoms, causes, and preventative measures below:
- Shortness of breath
- Sudden pain in the chest and discomfort
- Pain in your arms and legs
- Pain in the upper abdomen, chest, etc.
Causes/Risk Factors:
- Family history of cardiovascular diseases
- Poor diet
- Poor and inactive lifestyle
- Tobacco intake
- High cholesterol or BP
- Extended sitting or inactive lifestyle
- Being overweight
Preventive Measures:
- Exercise regularly.
- Get a lipid profile test to check your good cholesterol levels, bad cholesterol, and triglycerides.
- Be physically active and maintain your weight and blood pressure levels.
- Avoid smoking.
- Eat healthy food like oats, walnuts, fish, and other fibre-rich and omega-3-rich food.
- Avoid usage of oils with trans fats and packaged products.
- A fruit-rich diet always helps.
2. Respiratory Diseases:
Respiratory infections similar to asthma, acute bronchitis, tuberculosis, etc., remain the most significant cause of death in India.
- Runny nose
- Weakness
- Sneezing
- Sore throat
- Nasal congestion
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Dust
- Congenital
- Smoking
- Air pollution
- Viral infection
- Excessive exposure to toxins or smoke
- Low immunity
Preventive Measures:
- Avoid spending prolonged periods of time in air-polluted areas.
- Wear a surgical mask whenever possible.
- Maintain respiratory hygiene.
- Avoid smoking at all costs.
- Exercise daily.
- Stay active throughout the day.
3. Diabetes Mellitus:
1 in every 6 persons in India test positive for diabetes, the second highest statistic in the world. Type-1 diabetes is a condition where the pancreas is incapable of producing insulin enough for bodily functions. Type-2 diabetes is a disease in which the produced insulin isn't used by the body effectively. Diabetes can lead to critical illnesses like black fungus, kidney failure in COVID-19 patients, blindness, etc.
- Unexplained weight loss
- Extreme hunger
- Fatigue
- Frequent urination
- Increased thirst
- Irritability
- Unhealthy diet
- Not exercising regularly
- High blood pressure
- Stress
- Obesity
- Unhealthy food intake
- Fast foods and excess sugar intake
Preventive Measures:
- Regular exercise
- Quit the sedentary lifestyle
- Quit smoking
- Maintain good nutrition
- Reduce carbohydrates and add more fibre to your diet
4. Malignant Tumours
Malignant tumours are cancerous and develop because of uncontrolled cellular growth. They can grow to some other parts of the body and spread, making it life-threatening. The tumours are generally detected via MRIs and CT Scans.
In the early stages, malignant tumours may not show any symptoms. The first symptom is generally a painless lump.
- Genetics
- Pathogen
- Ionising radiation
- Exposure to chemicals or toxic compounds
Preventive Measures:
- Eat healthy foods
- Exercise regularly
- Maintain a healthy body weight
- Quit tobacco
- Get regular immunisation
5. Alzheimer’s Disease (Dementia)
This disease is a brain condition in which the death of the brain cells causes memory loss. Nearly 60% to 80% of dementia is Alzheimer’s.
- Amnesia
- Dementia
- Mental decline
- Forgetfulness
- Disorientation
- Difficulty in thinking and understanding
- Personality changes
- Jumbled speech
- Inability to do simple calculations
- Old age (above 65)
- Family history
- Unhealthy lifestyle
- Previous head trauma
- Depression for an extended period
Preventive Measures:
- Maintain cardiovascular health through exercises and diet.
- Have a heart-healthy diet.
- Restrict fat intake especially during your 40s.
- Say no to drinking and smoking habits.
6. Diarrheal Diseases:
Diarrhoea is caused due to worrying stomach or liver performance that can lead to watery or loose stools. It can lead to dehydration and reduce the body's water and salt levels, weakening it. The symptoms, causes, and preventive measures for this condition are mentioned below.
- Abdominal pain and cramps
- Loose stool
- Bloating
- Mucus/Blood in the stool
- Nausea
- Frequent bowel movements
- No access to clean water
- Weak immune system
- Poor sanitisation
- Malnourishment
Preventive Measures:
- Wash your hands with soap and clean water before eating.
- Follow a healthy hygiene routine.
- Quit alcohol.
- Never consume food that is too greasy or fatty.
- Avoid the use of Aspirin and steroids.
7. COVID- 19 (Coronavirus):
The COVID-19( SARS CoV- 2) is a new coronavirus infection that affects people of different age groups differently. When an infected person sneezes, breathes, and talks at that time, the other persona can catch the infection. The complaint spreads with the transmission of respiratory droplets. Check out the symptoms of COVID- 19, its causes, and preventive measures that you can take.
- Headache
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Pneumonia
- Weakness
- Airborne transmission of the virus
- Coming in contact with a COVID-positive person
- Touching nose, face, eyes, and with infected hands
- Wear two masks while in crowded public places.
- Always put on a face shield when visiting medical facilities.
- Maintain respiratory hygiene, and oral and hand hygiene.
- Follow all social distancing norms set by the government.
- Always use enough hand sanitizers and soaps to kill the infection in the hands.
- Keep your surroundings clean.
- Boost your immunity with exercises, breathing rituals, and hot teas.
Read more - 10 Death-Dealing Diseases in India You Must Be Aware About
Fatalities from specific problems have increased, while some have reduced their severity. Most of the conditions in the below list are treatable and preventable. With the advancement in medical science, treatment for all of them is available in India.
If you follow an intelligent approach and healthy life, you can lower these risks and adapt to a healthy life and routine exercise. You can reduce your vulnerability by making small changes in your daily habits like eating right and limiting smoking and drinking. For viral infections and bacterial conditions, proper hand hygiene is kindly helpful in reducing the threat.
Read more - Beware of these 6 Major Communicable Diseases in India