A shift in weather can provide relief from the sweltering summer heat and the freezing winters. It is, nevertheless, favourable for catching an illness, particularly a viral infection. A temperature accompanied by a cough, cold, and bodily discomfort is commonly referred to as a viral fever. This sort of disease is frequently caused by an influenza virus infection. Cold viruses and even dengue fever are examples of viruses that can cause these symptoms. Most viral infections must run their course and be fought off by the body's immune system. In addition to having health insurance coverage for viral fevers, we can take measures to prevent and treat the symptoms of an infection that occurs.
Know What’s Viral Fever
A seasonal shift and an infection in the environment can both contribute to viral fever, an acute viral infection. It frequently includes a high temperature, a cold, a cough, and body aches. It affects persons of all ages and is especially common during the rainy season. A viral infection is easily spread by a person to another. While some viral fevers, such as the flu, are mild, others, such as dengue fever, can be severe.
Most viral fevers can be treated with over-the-counter medications and cold compresses. Because the body's immune system battles the virus, it takes roughly 4-5 days for a person to recover. However, in severe circumstances, hospitalisation may be required, which is why having a health insurance policy is essential.
Viral Fever Signs and Symptoms
The following are some of the most typical signs of viral fever:
- High body temperature (up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit)
- Sore throat
- Running nose
- Occasional chills
- Headache
- Skin rash
- Face swelling
- Eye redness
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Muscle and joint pains
- Loss of appetite
- Dehydration
Ways to Prevent Viral Fever
Typically, a virus spreads through food, body fluids, mosquito bites, and inhalation. Here are some of the strongest defences against viral fever:
Take Care to Wash Your Hands Thoroughly
Before consuming anything, always thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. Practise washing your hands right away after coming inside from the outside. Hands come into contact with a great deal of potential virus-containing surfaces. You may help keep the virus at bay and avoid a viral fever by keeping your hands clean. In the event that soap and water are not available, use a sanitiser.
Keeping Distance from Sick People
If you touch closely with a sick person, you are more likely to have a viral infection. So, to avoid contracting a viral fever, keep a safe distance from an ill person. Children and the elderly should stay away from ill persons since they have weak immune systems and are more susceptible to viral infections.
Safeguard Yourself from Mosquitoes
Some viral fevers, like dengue and malaria, are spread by mosquito bites. Use mosquito repellents and nets to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes. As soon as dusk falls, you should also close the doors and windows. Make sure that no exposed areas are collecting water, as this can serve as a mosquito breeding ground. Additionally, make your children wear full-sleeved clothing or apply creams to repel mosquitoes.
Keep Your Nose and Mouth Covered
Inhaling a virus through the air is one of the simplest examples to contract a viral infection. When someone nearby sneezes or coughs, virus-containing droplets may enter the air, which you could easily breathe in. In order to stop the virus from invading your body, make sure your mouth and nose are properly covered. It is better to use a mask to avoid contracting a virus that could cause a fever.
Eat Wholesome, Warm Food
Make it a routine to eat warm food to ward off viral fever. Since viruses cannot survive in high temperatures, no transmission can occur through food as long as it is warm. Additionally, consume nutritious foods to boost your immunity because, ultimately, the viral infection will be fought off by your body's immune system.
Vaccinate Yourself
Many illnesses can be avoided by receiving the recommended immunizations on schedule. For example, the COVID-19 vaccine can shield you from coronavirus infection. Therefore, to avoid contracting a viral fever, be sure to get all the flu vaccines available.
Does Health Insurance Cover Viral Fever in India?
Yes, health insurance plans in India do cover viral fever. Every health insurance policy covers viral infections brought on by the change in season. Following a 30-day initial waiting period, the coverage is made available.
A health insurance policy’s coverage for viral fever may cover hospitalisation charges, daycare costs, OPD consultation costs, ambulance costs, etc. To find out the precise coverage, review the policy wording as it may differ from one health plan to another.
Tips for a Viral Fever: Dos and Don'ts
Here are some suggestions to go by when suffering from a viral fever -
- Use an ice pack to lower your body temperature.
- Take the viral fever medications that your doctor has prescribed and get enough rest so that your body can fight the virus.
- Keep your electrolyte balance and avoid dehydration by drinking enough water.
- Consume light, nutrient-rich foods that are simple to digest.
- Whenever you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose.
- Avoid self-medication as inadequate medication and dose information poses serious health hazards.
- Avoid high temperatures because they will make you sweat or shiver more.
- If you're unwell, keep your food, tissues, and handkerchief to yourself.
- Never throw away used tissues because doing so could cause an illness to spread.
Monsoon seasons and times of weather change are when viral fever is most prevalent. Make sure to heed the above-mentioned prevention advice if you want to avoid getting a viral fever. Keep in mind the aforementioned dos and don'ts in case you do contract a viral fever for a speedy recovery.
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