We suggest you to go through our policies carefully, and keep visiting for updates



Filling up the proposal form

Customer must fill up the basic details for buying insurance policy from the portal/App. Depending on the Insurance type / category opted /selected, Customer needs to provide Personal details like Gender, DOB, Smoker/nonsmoker, income, occupation type, education level, Car/motor details and lumpsum coverage required at claim stage, etc.

Payment for the policy

After filling all the necessary information as per the application/ proposal, Customer would be redirected to the payment gateway and would be required to choose a payment mode using one of the following payment options: Credit Card, Debit Card, Internet banking, UPI or e-wallet etc. After choosing the payment mode, customer would need to enter the payment details and proceed to make the payment. Upon successful completion of the payment, customer would be redirected to a payment confirmation page. Customer would get a copy of the insurance policy through email to your registered email ID after policy Issuance



The processes and timelines for post sales servicing activities have been mentioned below in tabular format. If in case, Customer wants to take benefit of any of these services, he/she may do so by Logging into Paytm website/Application and raising policing servicing request. 

Service TAT – Life/ General / Health Insurance :

In accordance with Schedule II of the Insurance e-commerce guidelines issued on 9th March 2017 and the Protection of Policyholder’s Interest, Operations and Allied Matters of Insurers Regulations issued on 20th March 2024 by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, Paytm Insurance Broking Private Limited as an ISNP follows the following service TAT’s for online sale of Insurance products:


New Business Proposal 
Processing of Insurance Proposal and seeking further requirements for consideration of the proposal7 Days
Decision on proposal from the date of receipt of proposal or from the date of receipt of additional requirement whichever is later 
Providing copy of the Policy along with the proposal form 15 Days
2Post Policy Service
Post Policy Service Requests concerning mistakes / corrections in the Policy document7 days
3Free-Look CancellationFree Look Cancellation & Refund from the date of receipt of request

Policy Servicing

(from the date of receipt of request for the service specified)

Change of Address (KYC Norms to be complied)7 days
Registration / Change of Nomination, Assignment.
Inclusion of new member in case of group policy

Alteration in ORIGINAL POLICY CONDITIONS (where applicable) 
Policy loan
Unit / Index Linked Insurance Policy
Switch, Top-up, and other related Services.
7 Days
Decision on Policy Revival after receipt of all requirements
Issue of Premium Payment Certificates (PPC)
Issue of Duplicate Policy7 Days
Death claimsDeath claims settlements (not requiring investigations)15 Days
Early death claims requiring investigations
- decision & payment
45 Days
Survival, Maturity, annuity PaymentsSettlement of Maturity Claims

On due date
Settlement of Survival Benefits
Annuity payments/ Pension Payment
Surrender or partial withdrawal of Policy7 Days
Auto Action by the InsurerPremium Due IntimationOne month before due date
Policy payments information (Survival before due date Benefits, Maturity Benefits, etc.)
ComplaintsAcknowledgement to complainant Immediately
Action on Complaint & Intimation of Decision to the complaint14 Days
If complaint is NOT resolved by the Insurer, communicate the details to the Policyholder of options including referring the complainant to Insurance Ombudsman / Consumer Court14 Days from original date of receipt of complaint*

*(The policyholder may approach the Insurance Ombudsman if his / her complaint is not resolved within 30 days or if the decision of the company is not acceptable to the policyholder.)


Turnaround Time
New Business Proposal ProcessingProcessing of Insurance Proposal and seeking further requirements for consideration of the proposal.7 Days
Decision on proposal from the date of receipt of proposal or from the date of receipt of additional requirement whichever is later.
Providing copy of the policy along with the proposal form15 Days
Policy Service
Post Policy Service Requests concerning mistakes I corrections in the Policy document7 Days
3Policy Servicing
(from the date of receipt
of request for the service
Change of Address (KYC Norms to be complied)7 Days
Registration /Change of Nomination, Assignment.
Alteration in Original Policy conditions (where applicable)
Change of location of risk
Inclusion of new member in case of group policies
Any other non-claim related changes
Cancellation of policy and refund of
Appointment of Surveyors (through Tech based solution)24 hours

Submission of final report after receiving Insurer's request15 days
Communicating acceptance or rejection of the claim7 days

Auto Action by the Insurer Premium Due IntimationOne month before
due date
6ComplaintsAcknowledgement to complainant Immediately
Action on Complaint & Intimation of Decision to the complainant14 days
If complaint is NOT resolved by the Insurer, communicate the details to the Policyholder of options including referring the Complainant to Insurance Ombudsman / Consumer Court.14 days from original date of receipt of
the complaint*


*(The policyholder may approach the Insurance Ombudsman if his/ her complaint is not resolved within 30 days or if the decision of the company is not acceptable to the policyholder).



Turnaround Time
New Business Proposal

Processing of Insurance Proposal and seeking7 days
Decision on proposal from the date of receipt of proposal or from the date of receipt of additional requirement whichever is later
Providing copy of the policy along with the proposal form15 Days
Free look cancellation and refund of deposit from the date of receipt of the request7 Days

Post Policy Service Request

Post Policy Service Requests concerning mistakes/ corrections in the Policy document7 Days

Policy Servicing

(from the date of
receipt of request for the service specified)

Change of Address (KYC Norms to be complied)7 Days
Registration /Change of Nomination, Assignment.
Alteration in Original Policy Conditions (where
Issuance of duplicate policy 
Inclusion of new member in case of group policies
Any other non-claim related changes
Cancellation of policy and refund of premium

ClaimsAcceptance of cashless claims by TPA
/company to Hospital and communicate to them
1 Hour
TPA's offer of settlement to the Insurer I Hospital after submission of document3 Hours
Settlement of claims (other than cashless)15 days
5Auto Action by the InsurerPremium Due IntimationOne month before due date
6ComplaintsAcknowledge to complaintImmediately
Action on Complaint & Intimation of Decision to the complainant14 Days
If complaint is NOT resolved by the Insurer, communicate the details to the Policyholder of options including referring the complainant to Insurance Ombudsman/ Consumer Court 14 Days from Original date of receipt of complaint *

*(The policyholder may approach the Insurance Ombudsman if his/ her complaint is not resolved within 30 days or if the decision of the company is not acceptable to the policyholder)

Please note that Turn Around Time mentioned above will be calculated from the date of receipt of all documents as required by the Insurance Companies.