Does Your Car Need The Engine Protection Add-on Cover?
Comprehensive insurance covers a multitude of aspects when it comes to the upkeep and maintenance of your car. The one aspect it does not cover is the damage and maintenance of your engine. Engines, being the main part of the car, require a lot of attention as they can be damaged easily. In part, the Engine Protection Cover add-on with a comprehensive car insurance policy can help you take care of the same.
What is Engine Protection Cover?
Engine protection cover is an add-on to the comprehensive car insurance policy that you purchase. This add-on covers any and all engine troubles and repairs that you might have, provided they come under the inclusions of the insurance policy. This cover goes on to provide compensation and reimbursement for any repairs or replacements you might have made to the engine of your vehicle.
Why Should You Get Cover for the Engine?
The engine is the most important part of a car. Without it, your car is as good as a tin can. Taking care of your engine means taking care of your car’s smooth running. Car engines are built to last, so taking care of them is very easy. The problem arises when you meet with an accident while driving or are a victim of a natural calamity as it is at these times that the engines of your vehicles can get severely affected. Any situation from the submersion of your car underwater to a nasty road accident can take place, and lead to a huge hole in your pocket when the time comes to repair your vehicle.
This is where the Engine Protection add-on comes and saves the day. With the Engine Protection Cover as an add-on to your comprehensive car insurance, you will not have to worry about the financial implication the engine repair will have on you. The insurance company will take care of the repair costs to your engine and you can exercise peace of mind and relax while your car is in the shop.
What does the Engine Protection Add-on Include?
The engine protection add-on includes-
- Any damage made to the engine due to leakage of lubrication oil.
- Any damage made to the engine due to the seeping of water.
- Any physical damage that parts of the engine like pistons, gearbox, connecting rods, etc. might have endured.
- Any damage made due to hydrostatic lock because of starting the car when the water has seeped in the engine.
What is not Included in the Add-on?
Like every add-on cover, the engine protection cover also has some limitations. These exclusions are-
- Wear and tear endured by the engine over time.
- Not informing the company within the stipulated amount of time.
- Driving of the vehicle by an inebriated driver or driving under the influence of drugs.
- Driving the car without a valid Driver’s License.
- Damage was done to the vehicle’s engine due to illegal racing.
- Repairing the car without informing the insurance company.
- Cost of lubricants in case of damage to the engine because of leakage.
How to Buy a Car Engine Protection Cover?
The engine protection cover comes as an add-on to comprehensive car insurance. You can either purchase this add-on while purchasing a new insurance policy or while renewing the comprehensive insurance policy you already own. Follow these 5 steps to purchasing your engine protection cover add-on with ease:
- Visit the website of the insurance company you want to buy or renew your insurance policy from.
- Select either buy new insurance or renew insurance from the given options.
- Select the Engine Protection Cover add-on from the given list of add-on options.
- Read the terms and conditions carefully.
- Make the payment and enjoy the policy.
How to Claim Insurance for Car Engine Protection Add-on Cover?
The process to claim your engine protection cover for your vehicle is similar to claiming your comprehensive car insurance. As is the case with other insurance policies, you must first consider whether you have opted for a cashless claim or a reimbursement claim. If you have opted for the former, your expenses will be taken care of by the insurance agency once they have reviewed and approved the claim. If you have opted for the former, you must pay for the expenses out of your pocket, and then submit a claim to the insurance agency for reimbursement.
Follow these steps to claim your engine protection cover with ease:
- Contact the insurance company you bought your insurance policy from and inform them of the damage done to your car’s engine.
- Your insurance provider will send a representative of the company to come and inspect the damage done to your car’s engine to expedite the process of settling the claim.
- After the company representative has inspected the damage and given you the clearance to settle the claim, you get reimbursed for the repair bill for the repair and replacement of engine parts like pistons, gearbox, connecting rods, etc.
What Documents are Needed to File a Claim Under Engine Protection Cover?
No additional documents are required when you raise a claim under-engine protection cover with your comprehensive insurance policy. You just need to present a copy of your comprehensive insurance policy with the Engine Protection Cover listed as an add-on in that.
In general, while filing a claim, you need:
- Identity proof.
- Evidence of damage.
- Policy papers.
- Duly filled and signed claim settlement form.
- Copy of FIR(First Information Report), in case of an accident.
Scenarios Where Your Insurance Company may Reject Your Claim Under Car Engine Protection Cover
There are certain scenarios in which your car insurance company might reject your claim under the car engine protection cover. Some of them are:
- If you try to force start your engine while your car engine is submerged in water, the insurance company may reject your claim.
- If you try to drive your car after it has been in an accident, it may sustain consequential damages. The insurance company may reject your claim in such conditions.
- The Engine Protection Cover comes with a validity of 2 claims. Your car will not be valid for this add-on if you have already raised both of these claims.
- The Engine Protection add-on cover is only available to customers whose vehicles are 5 years or less of age. The insurance company can reject your claim if you try to raise this claim for a vehicle older than 5 years.
Who Should Get the Engine Protection Add-on?
This add-on is beneficial for people who run the risk of their engines being compromised. People who live in areas prone to natural disasters and natural calamities should opt for this add-on to better protect their vehicles from problems like floods. Luxury car owners should also opt for this claim because the repair cost for luxury vehicles is usually very high.
The Engine Protection Cover add-on can be looked at as an investment in the upkeep and maintenance of your car. Events like accidents and natural calamities can occur at any time and people should be prepared to deal with losses and damage to their personal property. This add-on is nothing but an initiative from the insurance company to help with the maintenance and repair of its customer’s vehicles in return for a slightly higher insurance premium.