Car Insurance

10 Recommendations For Riding Through Congested Areas

By Vikas Chandra Das
09 August 2022, 11:28 AM

We are all aware of the issues with traffic and congestion on Indian roads. Sure, You can't ride as freely as you want because of the vast number of vehicles on the road. Additionally, gradually learning to interpret traffic signals and road signs takes time. You should be well prepared while riding on congested roads of India. You should also be ready with essential driving documents and opt for your comprehensive car insurance policy

A policyholder of a comprehensive car insurance plan can not only get third-party liability cover but the damages of his own vehicle will also be covered. So, in a situation where your car faces any damage due to traffic congestion, nothing to worry about as a comprehensive policy got your car covered. Not only this, but the policy also allows you to include add-ons that offer an extra layer of protection to your vehicle.

Read more - The Importance of Car Insurance on a Road Trip

However, driving in congested areas is an art. Not many are experts on it and hence face various mishaps. Read this article below to know some useful tips on how to drive safely through a narrow pathway. 

10 Tips to Lessen the Negative Impacts of Traffic Congestion in Everyday Life 

You may control your driving experience on a busy road by using the following suggestions-

  • To prevent unplanned collisions, always keep an eye out for pedestrians and other vehicles. Realize that there are many unaware people on the roadways. It is thus essential to maintain your focus and keep both eyes open while maintaining control of the transmission.
  • Always stay to the left of the road and avoid blocking the divider if you want to pass a slower vehicle. Expertise is required while overtaking a vehicle properly in India.
  • If quicker vehicles are behind you in the lineup, keep an eye out for traffic signals and move to the back of the line. To prevent congestion, always obey the directives of the traffic regulator, even if there are no traffic signals.
  • Exploring the city to get some fresh air is a good idea, but congestion may happen everywhere. When travelling through unfamiliar surroundings, uncertainty might set in, and you might be unprepared for the traffic or unforeseen diversions. Maintaining a routine is advised. If you commute daily, choose the safest route and stick to it to familiarise you with all the risks.
  • On a route prone to congestion, going too fast is risky. The same factor causes the majority of automobile accidents. Do not ride too quickly since you never know what roadblocks or unexpected vehicles you could encounter.
  • To coordinate your movements with other drivers on the road, it is crucial to be acknowledged and seen. You risk encountering traffic or, in the worst-case scenario, a mishap if you drive too near to the divider or hide behind a larger vehicle. Ensure your horn is in working order and your lights are powerful enough to be seen by other vehicles and riders at night.
  • Keep the gears low since it gets harder to control a vehicle with higher gears. This would ensure you do not face unnecessary gear shifting issues while riding on a congested road.
  • Always service your vehicle to prevent unplanned failures in the middle of the road. Also, keep an eye on the expiry date of your car insurance policy so that you can renew it before it lapses.
  • To prevent accidents, keep your distance from other vehicles. This would help reduce your chances of getting in contact with another vehicle while driving on a congested road.
  • While riding, it's crucial to follow all traffic safety regulations and road laws. Additionally, you must always have the RC, DL, and car insurance policy while driving to avoid inconvenience.

Read more -  Checklist For a Long Road-trip on Your Two Wheeler


Traffic cannot be avoided, particularly at regularly scheduled workplace opening and closing hours. Additionally, there are times when there is high traffic congestion due to events like parades, accidents, or even severe weather like thunderstorms or heavy rain. You each are responsible for maintaining your level of safety when driving and making every effort to stay off crowded highways.

Additionally, you are required to obtain a car insurance policy for your vehicle to avoid any financial difficulties that you may face after getting involved in an unexpected accident. Get a comprehensive car insurance policy for your vehicle to reap the most benefits of insurance. 

Read more - 10 Tips for Two-wheeler Owners to Stay Safe on the Road

1. What does congestion refer to?

In transportation, congestion often refers to an overflow of vehicles on a certain stretch of road at a specific moment, resulting in slower—and sometimes significantly slower—than average or 'free flow' speeds. Stopped or stop-and-go traffic is a classic condition of congestion.

2. Which insurance is mandatory for cars in India?

Purchasing Third Party Liability (TPL) car insurance in India is mandatory. The TPL coverage protects you from the legal repercussions of an accident you instigated.

3. Is it important to use seat belts while driving a car?

According to the law, while the car is moving, the driver and the passenger in the front seat must use seat belts.

4. Which regulations apply to traffic signals?

To maintain a steady and smooth flow of traffic, traffic light regulations are adhered to. Therefore, when at a traffic signal, you should be aware of the following fundamental traffic light regulations:

  • A red light at a traffic signal indicates that you must stop or bring your car to a halt.
  • You must reduce your speed while approaching a yellow traffic signal.
  • You may continue driving if the light is green at the intersection.
5. Does car insurance in India cover dents and scratches?

You may file an insurance claim in India for car dents and scratches. However, it is advised against doing so since minor dents & scratches can result in high future car insurance premiums.