If you’re like most bikers, your bike is more than just a mode of transportation; it’s something that you identify with and that contributes to your overall identity. That’s why you want to do everything you can to keep it safe and maintained, including ensuring that you have the right bike insurance policy.
Liberty bike insurance is one of the most affordable bike insurance companies today, but that doesn’t mean you should skip over any necessary steps while renewing your policy to ensure you get the best price possible. In fact, there are some mistakes you could make when renewing your Liberty bike insurance plan that might cost you more than if you had just done it correctly in the first place!
Here are eight mistakes to avoid when renewing your Liberty bike insurance policy so that you can be sure to get the most out of your coverage at the lowest cost possible:
Not Claiming the NCB
NCB in bike insurance is an instant discount that Liberty General Insurance offers you when you renew your current policy, so long as you haven't filed any bike insurance claims during the preceding period. If you renew your insurance within 90 days of it expiring, you can take advantage of the NCB discount. Unfortunately, most people make the mistake of renewing the insurance after it has expired for some time.
To ensure continuous coverage for your two-wheeler and to take advantage of the NCB discount, it is best to renew your two-wheeler insurance plan before it expires.
Read more - How to Calculate NCB for Two Wheeler Insurance?
Failing to Pay Your Premium on Time
One of the most common mistakes policyholders make is failing to pay their premiums on time. If you miss your payment date at Liberty bike insurance, your policy will lapse, and you'll be left without coverage. You won't know when your two-wheeler insurance policy expires until it's too late!
Set up automatic payments through your bank account so this never happens again. Additionally, many two-wheeler insurance companies charge a late fee for renewals submitted after the due date.
Not Informing Liberty General Insurance about Modifications
If you've made any modifications to your bike since you last had bike insurance, be sure to let Liberty Insurance know. Failing to do so could result in your claim being denied if you need to make a repair. Speaking with your provider about these changes is a simple way to ensure you get the most for your money.
Filling Out the Wrong Information
When renewing your Liberty bike insurance, you must take the time to fill out all the information correctly. If you do not, you could end up with a policy that does not cover what you need it to.
For example, if you fail to mention something about your health or employment status in this process and then have an accident or have another problem while riding your bike, you may find yourself stuck without coverage and unable to get help. You can avoid this problem by taking the time to be as accurate as possible while filling out the forms for your renewal.
Not Understanding What is Covered and What Isn’t
A common mistake people make when renewing their bike insurance is not understanding what is covered and what isn’t under their policy. This can lead to nasty surprises down the road if you find yourself in an accident or your bike is stolen.
Be sure to read over your policy carefully to know the coverage terms. If you have any questions, be sure to contact your provider before making a decision.
Not Determining Your Add-on Needs
Before starting the bike insurance renewal process, it's important to determine your needs. Depending on what has changed in your life since you last had insurance, you may need to add or remove some coverage. Failing to do this can result in either overpaying or not having enough coverage.
Although the extra options may increase the renewal price, they can save you money in the long term. The engine protection bike insurance add-on, for example, will cover the engine damage incurred during a motorcycle crash.
Thinking That Renewal is the Same as a New Policy Purchase
Many people believe that renewing their insurance policy is the same as if they were buying a new one. However, there are some key differences that you need to be aware of. First, when you renew your policy, you are typically given the option to change your coverage. This means that you could increase or decrease your coverage, depending on your needs.
Second, the price of your premium may change when you renew. This is because insurers consider inflation and the cost of living when setting premiums.
Not Reading the Terms and Conditions Carefully
Many people make the mistake of not reading the terms and conditions of their insurance policy carefully. You could regret this later, as you may be unaware of certain exclusions or limitations in your coverage. Be sure to take the time to read through your policy thoroughly so that you know exactly what is covered. It’s also important to periodically review your policy for changes since they constantly evolve due to changes in legislation and customer needs.
Renewing your Liberty bike insurance can be overwhelming if you do not know what to expect. In this article, we have discussed eight common mistakes people make when renewing their Liberty bike insurance and how to avoid them. Don’t worry about making these mistakes when you need to renew your policy – use this article as a guide instead!
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