The traffic conditions in Indian cities are getting worse every day. With the pandemic easing out and more people starting to commute for work, the roads are back to being clogged.
For bikers, the situation is much worse. Pollution, hot weather, and sunlight can tire you faster than sitting in a car. You don’t even get to distract yourself with music; all your ears can hear is the cacophony of horns, the engine of the bus standing beside you, and strangers screaming at one another.
However, you needn't worry. We have a few tips that can help you make your bike riding experience:
- less tiring
- less stressful
- economical
Let’s see how.
10 Tips to Make Your Riding Experience Easier
1. Be Alert, Always
On city roads, it’s easy to spot interesting activities around us. A poster advertising a new season of a famous web show, a new car you want to buy, or an ad that’s so witty it catches your eye. But you can afford to only glance at them.
The traffic in cities is ruthless. You look around for a few seconds, and the next moment, there’s a biker who’s cut across you and braked hard. Sounds scary, right? Hence, it is very important to be alert while on the road.
2. Get Your Bike Insured
Crowded areas could mean that your bikes could get hit by others accidentally. The best way to ease some of the pain would be to get comprehensive bike insurance online. A comprehensive bike insurance policy covers against third-party damage and protects your own vehicle too. Thus, keeps you away from the legal hassle and offers financial assistance in any unfortunate situation on road.
3. Don’t Cut Across Lanes Unnecessarily
Bikes are good at crisscrossing from one lane to another and moving through the small gaps left by the cars. But while this seems like a good way to keep moving, it is harmful to the vehicles on the road and could lead to road accidents. Therefore, it is recommended that you switch lanes only when necessary. Don’t cut across lanes just to save a few seconds.
4. Watch Your Acceleration and Braking
When your bike goes through sudden bursts of acceleration and deceleration, your engine uses a lot more fuel, decreasing the fuel economy. With fuel prices reaching all-time highs, you might consider ways to increase your mileage.
To ride your bike economically, maintain your speed in the economical zone, somewhere around 40-50kmph. Note that this case is not applicable for EVs, where braking actually helps regenerate your battery, thus increasing your range.
5. Don’t Ditch That Mask Yet
Though the worst of the pandemic is over, you don’t need to ditch the masks just yet. With air pollution rising, masks can help filter some of the smoke and dust from the vehicles around you and ensure you breathe clean air. This will help you be less stressed and tired and prevent allergies.
6. Wear a Helmet with a Visor
Helmets are for your protection. While there is no denying this fact, they have some added benefits too. If you ride your bike in direct sunlight, helmets with good visors can prevent you from getting sunstroke. Nowadays, helmets are getting smarter, offering connectivity to your phones. This means you can pick up phone calls when driving without stopping by the side of the road. With tons of designs available, a good helmet can add to your style quotient.
Disclaimer: While a helmet makes it easy to answer phone calls while driving, please exercise caution to avoid accidents.
7. Use a Phone Holder
In today’s time, it’s hard to reach a new place without referring to maps on our phones. This is inconvenient on bikes. Every few minutes, you must wait on the side of the road, unlock your phone, check directions, and then follow them before stopping once again. This leads to wasted time and effort and even a sense of frustration.
If you ride in traffic often, it’s better to have a phone holder near your handlebars. This way, you can navigate turn by turn without missing any directions.
8. When Idling, Shut off the Engine
Crowded areas mean waiting for long periods of time. While idle in one spot, bikes still burn fuel to keep the engine alive. You may have already guessed – this affects the fuel efficiency of your bike. Instead, shut off your engine when waiting at a traffic signal.
Nowadays, cities have indicators displaying how long the signal will be red, so you can plan when to restart the engine accordingly.
9. Maintain a Safe Distance
Agreed, maintaining distances while riding in crowded areas is hard. When trying to make your way through traffic, you have no control over others around you. What if the car in front of you suddenly starts moving back and touches your bike? You can avoid such situations with a buffer between your motorcycle and the vehicles around it.
10. Carry a Water Bottle
The last, but probably one of the most important tips, is to carry a water bottle with you. Crowded areas will test your patience and stamina. A cool drink not only quenches your thirst but also helps you cool down in tense situations.
If you feel stressed, stop by the side of the road, drink some water and then resume your journey. Remember, you are not racing anyone to get to your destination. It’s better to be in a good mental and physical state than to be tired.
Busy roads are unpredictable and stressful. We hope you use the tips above to make them a little more relaxing. Maintain a safe distance, get online bike insurance, and keep calm.
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