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You are required to submit a renewal notice from your previous insurance company as a proof for transferring your no-claim bonus. If a renewable notice from the previous insurer is unavailable, you can call your previous insurer and request the confirmation of your no-claim bonus or provide previous policy copy and declaration stating your entitlement for no-claim bonus.
To buy a National two-wheeler insurance policy you are required to submit a filled proposal form, previous policy details, copy of RC book and invoice copy (only for issuance of the new insurance policy).
National Insurance offers five add-on covers which can be brought with your two-wheeler insurance policy on payment of an extra premium. The add-ons include nil depreciation cover, engine protection cover, no-claim bonus cover, invoice protect cover and nil depreciation plus for two-wheeler cover.
Yes, if an accident takes place in a State other than where the two-wheeler insurance policy was issued, you will get a claim of your plan. It doesn't matter where an accident takes place as long as it is within the geographical limits of India. Claims outside the Indian borders would not be paid.
Yes, you can avail discounts on the premium of National two-wheeler insurance policy. You can get no claim bonus discounts of up to 50% if you have not made any claims in the 5 consecutive years. Additional discounts can be availed if you are a member of a recognised Automobile Association in India. You can opt for voluntary excess over and above the compulsory excess which helps you to get discounts according to the amount opted by you. You can also install anti-theft devices in your bike and get discounts.
Yes, you can renew your existing two-wheeler policy online by visiting the website ( ) and providing your policy number. You can buy add-ons too at the time of renewals. After payment of premium, the policy will be renewed instantly if the previous coverage did not lapse. In case the previous cover lapsed, renewal would be allowed after inspection.
The website of the National Insurance Company will provide you with all the insurance policy-related updates. On the website, there is one section dedicated specifically to tracking the policy status.
The policy will lapse if you fail to renew it. Hence, you no longer can enjoy the benefits of your policy plus also have to face legal complications.
At the time of policy renewal, you can purchase add- on covers or eliminate the ones you think do not serve any purposes. You can skip the add-on covers altogether as there is no compulsion on you to add them.
Yes, you can transfer your two-wheeler insurance policy from your name to the new owner's name. Make you carry all the required paperwork in case of policy ownership transfer.
No Claim Bonus or NCB as it is called is the bonus that you get to avail yourself at the time of the policy renewal. Your insurer allots you certain points for each year you do not file the claim. These points are collected towards the end of the tenure to a certain percentage. This percentage can differ from insurer to insurer. At the time of renewal of the policy, you get a discount on your premium up to the NCB percentage that you were awarded in your last policy.
The toll-free number of the National two-wheeler insurance is 1800-345-0330.
Yes, you can purchase the National two-wheeler insurance policy online.
The National two-wheeler insurance claim settlement ratio for the financial year 2020 is 85.71%.
Yes, you can check the National two-wheeler insurance claim status online by visiting the National General website.
An insurer will settle the claim after the verification of all the details. The sooner you file the claim, the faster it will be settled.
Your National Insurance policy number will be on the front page of the National Insurance two-wheeler policy document. You need to use this number to register yourself on the official website of the National Insurance.
The insurance policy number is unique to each policy. Insurers use this to distinguish you and the policy in question. Therefore, you get a new number for each insurance policy that you purchase.
If the hard copy of the insurance policy document is lost, you can take multiple printouts of the soft copy of your insurance policy document. Each printout will serve as an original of the document. Therefore, you do not need a duplicate of the insurance policy document.
Due to the legalities of the insurance policy document, if you falsify any claim or alteration of the document's procedure without informing the insurer. Then the insurer holds all rights to reject your insurance claim.
The status of the National two-wheeler insurance policy document can be easily tracked by using the website of National Insurance. If you are still unsatisfied, then you can call the customer service of the National Insurance.
National Insurance Company follows the paperless policy at the time of the policy purchase and the renewal. Therefore, you do have to provide any documentation to the insurer at either of those times.
Add-on covers are voluntary for the policyholder. They can choose to purchase or avoid them completely. It's up to them. The insurer does not interfere in their decision and therefore does not set any limit on the purchase of the add-on covers. National comprehensive/standalone two-wheeler insurance policyholders are provided with all the add-on covers along with their base policy. National third-party two-wheeler insurance policyholders do not get any option to purchase any add- on cover.
The insurance policy document is vital at the time of filing an insurance claim due to the legality of the document. You receive a hard copy of the insurance policy document within a week of the purchase of the policy. It is delivered to the address of the policyholders. You can also download the policy easily by visiting the website of the National Insurance company.
Yes, you can change your policy from third-party to comprehensive or vice versa at the time of policy renewal.
The National Insurance company works under the purview of the Government of India.
The toll-free number of the National comprehensive company's customer care service is 1800 345 0330 or 2283 1705.
The claim settlement ratio of the National comprehensive two-wheeler insurance policy is 85.71%.
Yes, the National Insurance company allows customers to choose their own choice of garage if they are unhappy with the tie-up garages. Policyholders can later make a claim for the reimbursement by submitting the invoice for the repair of the vehicle.
The National comprehensive two-wheeler insurance policy purchase procedure is completely paperless.
The claim settlement ratio of National third party two-wheeler insurance is 85.71% in the financial year 2020 for privately owned vehicles.
No, the personal protection covers in not included in the National third party two- wheeler insurance.
Yes, it is compulsory to produce FIR or chargesheet to claim National third party two- wheeler insurance.
The capacity of your vehicle engine and the RTO to which your vehicle is registered are the huge determiners when settling upon the National third-party two-wheeler insurance premiums. Vehicles registered in the big cities will result in more insurance premiums.
No, there is no provision to add, add- on cover in the National third party two- wheeler insurance.
After you file for the insurance claim, the insurer thoroughly assesses the damages and the events leading up to it. If the damage incurred is involuntary, then you can get monetary compensation. However, if the insurer finds out that some foul play was involved, you do not get any compensation.
This cover can be purchased for any vehicle if the age of the vehicle is below 5 years of age.
At the time of the insurance purchase, you need to disclose it to the insurer. If the insurer allows it after the examination, then it will be included in the policy. If you do not inform it beforehand and the insurer finds out later, it is considered a felony. It will result in your claim getting rejected and leaving you with legal repercussions to it.
National Insurance company works under the General Insurance Corporation of India. It can be said that it is owned by the Government of India.
The headquarter of the National Insurance company is in Kolkata.
Yes, you can purchase the National standalone bike policy online.
You can purchase National standalone two-wheeler insurance policy for 5 years, if you are a new bike owner. Else, policy can be availble for tenures like 1 year, 2 years and 3 years.
The exact compensation in case of death or bodily injuries to the policyholder, will be decided by the Court of Law.
You can pay National Insurance company's premiums either via making cash payments at the branch or by online modes such as credit or debit cards, net banking, etc.
You can check the National Insurance policy status online by logging in on the official website using the proper credentials.