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When you buy a vehicle in India, it is absolutely crucial to register it in the Regional Transport Office (RTO) to get a registration certificate. Driving a car or riding a two-wheeler without a valid RC is against the law and a punishable offence. So if you live in Satna city, registering your vehicle at Satna RTO is mandatory under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. Talking about MP-19 RTO, it performs many vital functions and duties on a daily basis.
Conducting driving tests for LL & DL, issuing new DL & RC, transferring vehicle ownership, issuing fitness certificate & special permit, and collecting road tax are some of the main functions of the Satna RTO. Every city has its own RTO office, which maintains the database of all the vehicles and drivers. So if you want to find an RTO office in your nearby location, you can easily do so below.
The city of Satna is located in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh (MP). The city also works as the main headquarters for the Satna district. It is the 6th largest city within Madhya Pradesh and is also the 8th most populated city in the state. The city is also selected as one of the hundred cities across the nation, to be built as a smart city as per the Smart Cities Mission. The Satna RTO was built under the provisions of the Indian Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. It falls under the wing of the Madhya Pradesh Transport Department and has many duties to fulfil.
Find RTO Details by Registration Number
The day to day functions and operations of the Satna RTO, under the lead of the Madhya Pradesh Transport Department, are;
These are few of the duties and operations of the Satna RTO office. For more details, do check the Satna RTO online.
There are different RTO codes for different States and Union Territories in India for easy identification of the RTO location based on the vehicle's number plate. The different RTO codes for States and Union Territories in India are as follows:
The vehicle registration process at the Satna RTO is a simple one and requires the applicants to follow a few easy steps to get everything done. The first of the two types of vehicle registration is a temporary one, which is issued by the dealership and has a month-long validity since its issuance. The other one is permanent registration, which can be applied for after the purchase of the vehicle.
Registration certificates of vehicles are required to be renewed before their expiry date arises. The procedure should be applied at the Satna RTO before the expiry date of the RC, preferably 60 days earlier. The things needed for the process are;
It is recommended that the ownership transfer of vehicles when they are bought or sold, should be done as soon as possible. The ownership transfer process at the Satna RTO requires;
The application for this process must be submitted within 14 days of the actual sale of the vehicle is made.
If under some circumstance, the originally issued RC of the vehicle is damaged, stolen or lost, individuals can apply for the issue of a new duplicate copy at the Satna RTO. The registration authority will require the Satna vehicle registration details and this paperwork for the process;
Individuals can easily apply for a change of address on the vehicle’s RC at the Satna RTO by following the necessary steps. They can either visit the Satna RTO website or office and provide these;
Motor insurance is mandatory for all vehicles, as stated by the law. Getting motor insurance in Satna for your vehicle only requires you to follow a few necessary steps and it can be done online or locally through an agent.
For buying car insurance, individuals can go for the online method, which is convenient for all. Search for the policy on the web, provide the details about the car it asks for, and select the coverage policy type. Proceeding further, you will get quotes on the insurance premium prices, which you can pay online and the policy will be generated. Its documents will be sent to you via email. This can also be done locally, by an insurance company's agent.
Getting bike insurance in Satna, online or offline, involves the same process and steps. You also get the option of going with third-party only coverage, or with the comprehensive type of bike insurance policy, which is also recommended for car insurance.
After 30 days of receiving LL in Satna, you can apply for permanent DL. It should be applied within the time period of 180 days.
Applicants can once again reapply for the test after 7 days of failing the DL test.
Application Form 9 and 1A of the C.M.V Rules 1989 are required for DL renewal at the Satna RTO.
The one-time tax for new private vehicles has a validity of 5 years, after which it has to be paid again.
The offer letter and sanction letter have validity for 30 days, which can be extended through proper authority and procedure, for up to 180 days.